Starting right off with the list.
1. Claire Bennett {From the movie Cake}

Name: Claire Bannett
Played By: Jennifer Aniston
Marital Status: Widow
Spouse: Jason {ex-husband}
Child(ren): 1 {deceased}
Support Contact: Silvana {Care Taker}
Job: Ex Defense Officer
Claire Bennett, a woman who became depressed after her sons death in an unfortunate car crash was suffering from chronic pains and had to rely on medications to survive. As her son had died in a car crash she was heavily traumatised, that being the cause of her inability to sit in a car. Hence, when ever she had to travel in a car, she would lie down and her (mostly) care taker (Silvana) would drive her to places she had to be in.
2. Helen Leonard {from the movie Helen}
Name: Helen Leonard
Played by: Ashley Judd
Marital Status: Married {2}
Spouse: Frank {ex}, David Leonard {current}
Child(ren): 1 [Julie- child of Frank and Helen]
Job: College Professor
Helen Leonard has been suffering from clinical depression. She married Frank but after a few years into their marriage was not happy with her relationship causing her depression to increase. She later on marries David, who helps her through out her depression.
3. Craig Gilner "{From the movie It's kind of a funny story}

Name: Craig Gilner {aged 16}
Played by: Keir Gilchrist
Craig is a 16 years old who suffers from depression. He changes throughout the movie drastically. He is a character who is funny, smart and artistic. He is quiet but when he is able to open up to a character, he is funny and kind. The school's intense academic pressure combined with his infatuation for his bestfriend's girlfriend caused him much stress. He also suffers from anxiety and does not realise Gods gift which has been bestowed upon him. He later on learns about this and improves his condition.
In my opening sequence, I will be focusing more on the character of Craig Gilner as his character is much more similar to what teenagers face today. I will not be focusing on the relationship part of the characters instead I will be focusing on their problems.
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